MORGANTOWN, WV - West Virginia State Senate Candidate for District 2, Chris Rose, today announced he has received the endorsement of the Oil & Gas Workers Association, which is one of the largest pro-American energy groups in the nation.
“As a 4th generation coal miner and a political activist, Chris Rose has always stood by American energy. His body of work advocating on behalf of American oil and gas speaks for itself. Now he is rising to the occasion to defeat someone who has voted to use West Virginia's tax dollars to fund the "Green New Deal" time and time again. We are over 47,000 strong, and we are just as committed to ensuring that we help send Chris Rose to Charleston as we are to helping President Trump return to the White House. It is our distinct honor to give Chris Rose our full endorsement and support."  said Matt Coday, President of the Oil & Gas Workers Association
"I am honored to receive the endorsement of the Oil & Gas Workers Association. As a fourth-generation West Virginia coal miner, I know how important our state's energy jobs are. Over 100,000 West Virginian families depend on these good-paying jobs to put food on the table, and many more jobs are supported in our local economy by these great jobs. American energy is needed to help combat inflation, secure our national security, and create millions of great-paying jobs for West Virginians and Americans. As the next State Senator for District 2, I will defend our energy jobs and fight to ensure that Biden's and the radical left's "Green New Deal" never comes to West Virginia." said Chris Rose
Chris Rose is running for the Republican nomination in West Virginia's 2nd Senatorial District, which encompasses six counties in north-central West Virginia (Doddridge, Marion, Marshall, Monongalia, Tyler, and Wetzel). You can learn more about Chris Rose's campaign for WV State Senate at ChrisRoseWV.com.
Paid for by Rose for West Virginia